Recommending 2k to 10k by Rachel Aaron
Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love
*SPOILER ALERT* This book changed my life! (Also there are spoilers for Rachel's other books.)
2k to 10k helped me reboot my writing-brain, and pushed me off the fence between Pantser and Plotter, firmly into the meadows and fields of Plotting-Land. In fact, that's just what the sample I got on Amazon did for me. The rest of the book (short though it is) taught me SOOO much more!
And it's SUPER CHEAP!!! :O
Buy this book IF:
- You don't think you're writing enough,
- You need a cheerful kick in the butt,
- You want to learn a thing or two from a pro on the down-low (rhymes!!!),
- You haven't got enough of Rachel Aaron/Bach from her other books,
- You feel stuck in a rut,
- Or you don't understand what you're doing.
Did you say identify with any of the above? If so, you, yes YOU, dear reader, need 2k to 10k! :D
The moments in this book where I said, "D'oh!" were myriad, as were the "I dunno... *tries suggested thing* Yep, this works for me!" moments.
If Rachel hadn't covered most - if not ALL - of her bases in this book, I would ask for another book just for the pleasure of reading her writing!
Rachel Aaron/Bach's links:
Twitter @Rachel_Aaron